Friday, January 4, 2008

First O-ffical Berry Queens' Meetin...

The first meeting of the Berry Queens came to order at BoJangles on Thursday, January 23rd, somewhere between 7 and 7:15 after all the drinks arrived and everyone had visited for a bit. we discussed many important queenly topics related to the upcoming Ball and Pageant and I wish to share some of these with you today:

1. We will be traveling by mommyvan to Baton Rouge on January 23, 2008 to see Jill Connor Brown at B&N and get a signed copy of her book RAISING CHILDREN FOR FUN AND PROFIT. Contact me at if you are interested in going along.

2. T-shirts for the First O-fficial Berry Queens' Ball and Pageant, which has all the ball info on the front and "It's Easy Bein' Queenly in the Berry" on the back and are sooooooooo kewt!!! will be available in women's sized starting January 23rd for $16.00 each. Stalk Stud t-shirts for the menfolk will not be available til we pay off the women's ones, so I'll let you know when that happens! You can e-mail me to let me know if you want one and I'll give you all the info.

3. The queens are heading to Jackson, MS, the weekend of March 14-16, 2008 for the Sweet Potato Queens' festivities. We will leave Friday afternoon and return Sunday afternoon. We have VERY limited space for this trip, so let us know if you want to go ASAP!

4. Rod Antoon, DJ and one man band from BoJangles, has kindly agreed to write and produce the very first Berry Queen's Theme Song for us. Isn't he just the sweetest thing!!!!????!!!! He even played a song he made up right there on the spot during out meeting about the Berry Queens and we had already told him there was no money in this gig to be made and he is still in!!! We are making him an "Honorary Stalk Stud" just because he knows how to worship queenliness when he sees it!

5. Gordon D. has agreed to work with us on holding the Judges' High Falutin' Meet-n-Greet at BoJangles. We are very thankful to him and would like to bestow on him the title of "Honorary Stalk Stud" as well!

6. Tickets for the First O-fficial Berry Queens' Ball and Pageant (September 19, 2008, 8:00 p.m. -12:00 p.m. will start being available in July/2008 so talk to one of the queens, or call Iberia Habitat for those. You will find the Habitat link on this site for the phone #. They are $35.00 per ticket, including entertainment, dancing, and food. There will be a cash bar provided and we are going to have fun!fun!fun! and along the way, crown the First Her Royal High-ness, Queen of the Berry!!!

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