Friday, September 25, 2009

2nd O-fficial Berry Queens' Ball and Pageant!

Best Theme II winner, "Queen Pole-een, The Berry Queen, Dancin' for the Chirren'!!!!

September 25th-Well, the 2nd O-fficial Berry Queens' Ball was a wunderful success and was sooooo much fun!!!! We raised over $12,000.00 this year for Iberia Habitat for Humanity with out little shindig and The Board of Director's couldn't be more pleased!!!! I want to thank all the DIVAs, DIVA Queens, Queens, Wannabees, Stalk Studs and Sponsors who made this thing "do what it do!" Ya'll are berry awesome!!!

We'll see ya'll at the parade on Sunday, September 27th at 2 p.m. on Main Street and Make SURE AND SAVE THE DATE: September 17, 2010 for our 3rd O-fficial Berry Queens' Ball and Pageant!!!!!! Til then, BE SWEET, SUGARS!!!!

Queen Em Cee did a fantabulous job for us!!! Photography for our ball was done by Roger Broussard in New Iberia, LA

Her Royal Hi-ness, Queen of The Berry 2009 QUEEN OF QUACK, AKA April Defelice and Queen Most Likely to Wear Majorette Boots

Congratulations to our new 2009 Berry Queens' Court: Front row: L to R~Amy Courrege, Queen Choc-A-lotta Runnin'~First Runner Up and Ms. Berry Sweet; April Defelice, Queen of Quack~Her Royal Hi-ness, Queen of The Berry 2009 and Queen Most Likely to Wear Majorette Boots; Shelli Helms, Queen Domestic Goddess~Golden Rule Queen; Lory Landry, Queen LeauxLa~Third Runner Up and Booty-licious Queen (which should have been BOOBY-licious Queen); Betty Romero, Queen Hell N Heels~Best S&G Queen; Angela Langlinais, Queen DIVA Doc~Queen Bee Creative; Jeanne Schenk, Queen de Cuisine Art~Second Runner Up and Best Theme Queen; Cherie Lord, Queen Des Colores~Biggest Hair of the Ball

Congratulations to each of them!!! I don't know HOW the judges decided on a winner for ANYTHING because they were all sooooooo A-mazing!!!!! The tables were awesome--the costumes were AWESOME and the presentations of the queens were FANTABULOUS!!!! There wasn't a DUD in the bunch!

Queen of Good Will struts her stuff on stage!

This year, I had a new wig--a new attitude--and I used my "rapping skills" to say "thankyewberrymuch" to all the folks in the crowd with my original song "The Berry Queen Jam" set to "This Is Why I'm Hot!" of course!!!!

Speaking of "H-O-T", our DIVAs were looking partikularly wunderful for our event! Front row (L to R) Sandra DeRouen, Queen of the Cruiser; Elaine Drago-Queen of Dippity Do Back row (L to R) Kristine Trahan, Queen of Ice; Roxie Boudreaux, Queen High Maintenance and HEAD DIVA 2008; Susan Sinitiere, Queen de Sacs; Judy Vaughn, Queen Easy Rider; Tessie Dore, Queen of Sold and Vice DIVA 2009; Suzie Charpentier, Queen Camil Feaux

Me and My DIVAs share a minute together looking fabulous for the camera!!!!
Front (L to R) Peggy Meyers, Queen Prim & Proper; Susan Sinitiere, Queen des Sacs; Me-myownself, Queen de Bling, LUVer of All Things Sparkly and Berry Head Boss Queen, ad infinitum; Brenda Langlinais, Queen Mum and HEAD DIVA 2009; Amy Allen, Queen of the Scene Back (L to R) Tessie Dore, Queen of Sold; Pat Richard, Queen of Hearts and Vice DIVA 2008; Kristine Trahan, Queen of Ice; Judy Vaughn, Queen Easy Rider; Roxie Boudreaux, Queen High Maintenance and HEAD DIVA 2008; Elaine Drago, Queen of Dippity Do; Suzie Charpentier, Queen Camil Feaux

The Stalk Studs, including our HEAD STALK STUD, Buddy Boudreaux "Maintenance Man" (in the white boa and hat) were all looking might kewt!!!!!